
Histopathology is the “gold standard” for the evaluation of cellular and tissue changes associated with a disease process or genetic defect. Routine sections are stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and a variety of other stains are commonly used to highlight various features or cell types.

Pathogenesis offers evaluation and interpretation of tissue sections, with results communicated in tabular and narrative form.

We perform a thorough examination of specimen tissue architecture and fine structure using a Nikon Eclipse Ci optical microscope with integrated digital camera. Routinely, we acquire high-quality color photomicrographs for publications or presentations.

Semi-quantitative scoring is a means to categorize the degree of lesion development, allowing statistical correlation of histopathology results with clinical and other biomarker data. When scoring systems are not already available or acceptable to our client, we use our in-depth knowledge of pathogenic mechanisms and tissue responses to design a customized grading scheme. Two of our recently developed lesion scoring systems can be reviewed in Jovanovic, et al., 2015 and Cortes-Puch, et al., 2014.

Client communication and education is a priority to us. Using our networked photomicroscope, microscopic images can be transmitted and discussed with clients in real time.

While we do not offer tissue processing, sectioning, or staining, we are able to connect our clients with high-quality histology laboratories for those services and will work with the laboratory to optimize techniques as needed.